
FLEX L2 Study at International Network on remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence

The FLEX L2 Study will be presented during the International Network on remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence in Davos (Switzerland) next 5-8 March 2019. The latest status of the project activities and software will be shown at specific oral presentations as well as 3-hours tutorial where participants will be able to explore the content of the L2 data files.

IGARSS - FLEX session

The FLEX L2 retrieval study has been presented by Magellium during IGARSS 2018 in Valencia (Spain), 23-27 July at ESA's FLEX special session "Fluorescence Forthcoming from FLEX".

J. Vicent, R. Ruiloba, A. Ruiz-Verdu, G. Matot, N. Sabater, B. Berthelot, F. Magnani. S. Cogliati, J. Moreno, R. Franco, M. Drusch and C. Fernandez-Martin, "The FLEX end-to-end simulator: from concept phase (A/B1) to ground segment and operations (C/D)", in proceedings of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, July 2018

Upcoming Progress Meeting #1

Progress Meeting #1 (PM-001) will be held at University of Valencia (Spain) the next 13th and 14th February 2018, 1 month after the project KO. PM-001 will consists on a design workshop to discuss about the existing Level-2 data processing chain and future software architecture.

Details on the agenda and practical information to access to the university are available for registered users in this website.